Synology Backup Solution
to Local, FTP/SFTP, and Public Cloud

Why Use Ahsay’s Synology Backup
Ahsay’s dedicated client backup software for Synology NAS devices allows you to set automated scheduled backup to on-premise storage, datacenter, and/or cloud storage. All backup jobs can be monitored through a single pane of glass from the web console.
Direct installation on Synology DSM
The client side backup agent (AhsayOBM) of Ahsay Synology NAS backup solution is directly installed on Synology DSM so that you don’t have to mount the NAS as network share for making the data accessible as required by other backup software.
Multi-destination backup
Data in Synology NAS device can be backed up to multiple destinations including on-premises network share, FTP/SFTP server and public cloud storage sequentially or concurrently to minimize the risk of data loss.
Block level incremental backup
With our In-File Delta speed acceleration technology, only changed blocks within a file are backed up each time. During restoration, these blocks will be combined with previous backups to synthesize a new full backup for quick recovery.
Point in time restore
Our solution allows your Synology NAS user to restore a file from any point in time that it was backed up. The user can even restore multiple versions of a file through a single restore operation if needed
Retention / Versioning
Data being deleted from the Synology NAS, or older versions of files can be kept in the backup destinations as long as you want through retention policy settings.
Unhackable encryption
For backing data up to cloud, data security can be ensured by enabling the 256-bit truly randomized encryption so that the AhsayOBM backup agent will encrypt the backup data locally on Synology NAS with a 256-bit truly randomized encryption key that is impossible to be hacked even by brute force attack with supercomputer.
How It Works
Easy Deployment
Deployment for Ahsay Synology NAS backup solution is easy and flexible. For the server side, you can deploy AhsayCBS centralized management software 1). on your customer’s site, 2). in your datacenter, or 3). on a public cloud platform such as Microsoft Azure or Amazon EC2. On the client side, install AhsayOBM client backup agent (with Synology NAS Backup Module enabled) onto the Synology NAS device. then backup will be run automatically according to your defined schedules. Ahsay supports the use of public and private cloud storage (e.g. Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Storage, OneDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox, FTP/SFTP, etc. for storing the backup data.

Features Empowering MSPs
Central Web Management
Our AhsayCBS centralized web console gives MSPs various tools for monitoring all users’ backup and restore activities. Problems can be easily identified through the dashboard so that rectification actions can be taken accordingly.
Rebranding and Customization
The whole Ahsay backup solution is fully rebrandable for MSPs. All logo images, wordings, backup server URL, certificate are customizable. MSP is able to build installers of branded CBS, OBM and ACB through the AhsayCBS web console easily.
Ahsay’s multi-tenancy design allows an MSP to create and manage different isolated tenants within a single copy of the product. We treat each tenant as a User Group which can represent a business unit, branch office, department, customer, and any other entity. Each tenant can have its own set of Policy governing the assigned settings that is unique to such tenant.
Unlimited Free Trial Accounts
You can create unlimited free AhsayOBM / AhsayACB trial accounts for potential customers to try all the features and performance of your managed backup service without consuming any paid license.
Resellers Management
An MSP can recruit multiple resellers to help selling the MSP’s managed backup service. Each reseller can use its own branding and domain for selling the backup service, while the backup data is hosted under the top MSP’s storage facility. All these can be configured under AhsayCBS web console.
Primary AhsayCBS is able to perform close to real time replication for all users’ backup data and as well as its server settings to another standby machine. The replication server can have its own retention settings for additional backup data protection. Also, when the primary AhsayCBS is down, administrator is able to quick switch the replication server into a backup server to minize the downtime.
With AhsayCBS API, you can extract the usage data for making your own usage and billing system, or integrate Ahsay’s data into your existing management system to fulfill your need.
Audit Trail
The audit trail in AhsayCBS management console provides administrator a clear chronological record of the activities that happened on the backup server for troubleshooting purpose.
Source: Ahsay
Competitive Pricing
We offer the most competitive and flexible pricing to fulfill your backup needs. Cloud to cloud / local add-on module is bundled with AhsayOBM and AhsayACB without extra charge.
If you want to sell our software, please contact for options.
Our Support Service runs from 8am to 5.30pm everyday Monday to Friday Ha Noi time (GMT+7) that has coverage for most timezones. You can contact us by “Hotline”, “Email” and “Form”.
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